The Alliance for the Conservation of Exotic Felines (ACEF)

Membership Application
Mail-In Form

Name: ______________________________

Phone: ______________________________

Address: ______________________________

City: _____________________ State: ________ Zip: ______________

Country: ______________________________

Email: ______________________________

Web address (if you wish to have a link on our site): ______________________________

Do you currently own an exotic feline?
spaYESspa NO

If "YES", which species: ________________________________________

How do you wish to be listed in our membership directory?     (Please circle your choice.)

      Name,  State, & Kind/s of Cat/s Only

      Name, Address, Phone Number, & Kind/s of Cat/s

      Name, Email Address, & Kind/s of Cat/s Only


I learned of the ACEF from: ______________________________

There are different membership options -- choose from the following options.

  • Individual membership = $10 (1 vote, 1 subscription)
  • Family membership = $15 (2 votes, 1 subscription)

Please send completed form and a check or money order payable to:

Membership Application
P.O. Box 103
Greenbank, WA 98253

If you wish to pay via PayPal, please contact one of our officers.

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